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Studentermedhjælper til Marketing og Projektledelse start Januar 2025
Studentermedhjælper til Marketing og...
Brødrene Bryde – fortsætter frem
Husker du de to brødre, Philip og Nikolaj, der...
Brødre på lands, konkurrenter til vands / To brødre, én drøm
De er hinanden bedste sparringspartnere. På én...
Understanding time series forecast with smart predict
The aim of this blog post is to in a simple way...
Classification with SAC Smart predict
In this blog post, I will explain the...
Et KPI-Dashboard med ”need for speed” og transparens over hele linjen
Et ledelsesskift fik Ferrosan Medical Device til...
Understanding Regression with Smart Predict
This blog post will provide insight into the...
3 vigtige HR-nøgletal
Den nye ferielovgivning har givet masser af...
Analyze your SAP BW extractors before moving to S/4HANA
Are you considering moving to S/4HANA while...
Algorithm development requires high data quality and data scientists, who understand the business
Peter Riisberg – our general manager of west...
Writeback from SAC to BW
SAP has made it possible to do a writeback from...
Næste station: Et datadrevet-DSB
DSB’s digitaliseringsstrategi er mere end ”bare”...
BW/4HANA migrations are not a piece of cake....
We are very pleased to announce that we have...
The Ministry of Defense has chosen Innologic as their new Business Intelligence specialist supplier
The ministry of defence has entered into a...
The journey towards the perfect report in the SAP BI universe
SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) is trending! Social...
Get started on your BW/4HANA journey
As SAP has made the last updated version of BW,...
SAC vs. IP
At our SAP Analytics Cloud Planning-seminar, our...